Welcome to Jason Presher's Assignments Page

Chapter 1

Exercise 1-1 Test Product Discount Application

Exercise 1-2 Run book exercises and applications

Exercise 1-3 Check out netbeans

Exercise 1-4 Check out text editor

Chapter 2

Chapter 2-1

Chapter 2 enhancement

Step 9

Enhance Product Discount App

Enhanced Discount App

Exercise 2-2 Enhance the Future Value app

Chapter 3

Exercise 3-1 Use phpMyADmin with a Database

Completed Exercise 3-1

Chapter 4

Chapter 4-1

Exercise 4-1 Enhance the Product Manager

Chapter 4 Enhancement

Chapter 5

Chapter 5-1

Exercise 5-1 Enhance Guitar Shop App

CH5 Enhancement

Chapter 6

Exercise 6-1 Tace with echo statements

Exercise 6-2 Use Netbeans to step through the future value app

exercise 6-3 Use Netbeans to step through Guitar Shop App

Chapter 7

Exercise 7-1 Get Input and Display Output

Exercise 7-2 Enhance the Future Value App

Chapter 7-2

Chapter 7 Enhancement

Chapter 7 Enhancement

7 practice

Unit Exam


Chapter 8

Exercise 8-1 Use if and switch statements

Exercise 8-2 Use loops

Chapter 8-2

Chapter 9

Exercise 9-1 Write code that works with strings

Exercise 9-2 Write code that works with numbers

Chapter 10

Exercise 10-1 Write code that works with dates

Chapter 11

Exercise 11-1 Work with arrays of the task list manager app

Chapter 12

Exercise 12-1 Modify the shoping cart app

Chapter 12-1

Exercise 12-2 Improve the task list manager app

Chapter 12 Enhancement

Chapter 12 Enhancement

Chapter 13

Exercise 13-1 Modify shopping cart app

Chapter 13-1

Chapter 13 Enhancement

Ch13 Enhancement

Chapter 14

Exercise 14-1 Modify the product manager app

Chapter 15

Exercise 15-1 Modify the long version of the registration app

Chapter 15-1

Exercise 15-2 Modify the Product Manager app

Chapter 16

Exercise 16-1 Create a database diagram from a SQL script

Exercise 16-2 Create some simple database designs

Chapter 17

Exercise 17-1 Create a database and alter it

Exercise 17-2 Create a simple database

Chapter 18

Exercise 18-1 Work with the data in a database

Chapter 19

Exercise 19-1 Use PHP to work with a database

Chapter 20

Execise 20-1 Enhance the Guitar Shop app

Chapter 21

Exercise 21-1 Use secure connections

Exercise 21-2 Use authentication

Chapter 22

Exercise 22-1 Send email from a web page

Chapter 23

Exercise 23-1 Work with uploads and images

Chapter 24

Exercise 24-1 Test and review the prototype

Exercise 24-2 Review and enhance the prototype